Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The New Norm

So I have decided my new normal is going to be a constant state of change.  With that will mean I will still be bad at blogging.  Haha.  O well.

Change.  I have never been one for change.  I know God is changing me.  I feel it.  When I talk to people about it I want to almost scream. Its like it bubbles up in me and I just can't contain it. He has been doing some pretty awesome stuff.  Mostly in our family.  Things Chris and I see him changing in us to be better parents and grow Godly little mini humans. Its so cool to see.  Maybe at some point I will write in detail, but now there is too much I didn't write about when it was happening to go back at the moment.  (I should at some point so I will have it all.) So right now, Penelope is potty training.  She really is doing pretty good.  Some days its more like eating rocks than a walk in the park, but we will get there.  We were at a restaurant for the first time since this change and we went to the potty multiple times and the last time my mom took her and I just laughed and said my life has now changed forever.  I think I've said that almost everyday since I found out I was pregnant.  Its true, it has.  It will continue to.  I'm not sad about that.

Did you ever say "I will never...".  Yeah, don't do that.  I seriously thought I would never, ever, homeschool.  I have nothing against it.  I think its quite awesome, actually.  But, ME?  I couldn't do it.  I have a college degree yeah, but in cooking.  I have never ever felt like it was something I was qualified for.  And honestly, how to do you teach a child to read, write, or spell.  Seriously, if we do this, Chris is teaching spelling.  Not.my.forte. So over the last few months there have been conversations going on around me and ones I have been in about homeschooling.  These have not been started by me and there have even been times I have stopped and thought, why am I even in this conversation? God knew.  He was working, planting information in my head I didn't even realize I needed. See, that's one of those things I am in awe of God over. He made me think through some things before I ever knew I needed to so when the time came I had answers.  Ones I would have had to pause to contemplate and figure out and that wouldn't have gone with the moment.  He knows what he is doing.  So all these conversations have been going on and one night I'm talking to my mom and out of my mouth comes, I think I might need to consider homeschooling.  I didn't even think before I spoke.  It was like God had to force me to stay it before I thought about it and laughed at myself.  I told my mom that there was so much going on around me about it and not the normal, I have a few friends that do, but in depth conversations I have been a part of that blew me away.  There were also a few other things about how kids learn and grow and what they need that have been brought up and my first thought was, well if I had her do this.... Change.  He is changing my heart.  I didn't know at the time (and still don't fully, to be quite honest) if this is something that I'm truly suppose to do, or if it is something that God just wants me to be open to.  That he wants me to lay down my own thoughts and be willing to do it his ways simply because he says to.  It terrifies me to think I could ruin my kids.  I would be responsible for their education.  I wouldn't be able to take two steps without some serious guidance from God.  There are lots of fears that go along with this whole thought.  There are also intense moments of excitement.  Like I told Chris a couple of weeks ago, sometimes those swing from one extreme to the other in a matter of two hours.  But tonight I was looking through some things and I am so excited.  There is a joy and anticipation for what is to come.  This may only be a through pre-k or through x grade event, but I really feel like God has some school plans for this family.  Fear is still there, but its not as bad.  Either I'm on a new idea high or God is doing some incredible things.  I'm going with the second half of that thought. Incredible things.  So, deep breath, we found something we are going to try with our little Penelope.  Heaven knows Beckett will be right in the middle too.  (Probably literally).  It will be a fun grand adventure.  Wish us luck! (seriously, pray for us).

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Change and Motivation

Things in life feel like they are shifting, or fixing to shift.  We started on this oily adventure several months ago and since then I have met a lot of different people with different outlooks on life.  Outlooks that are so different from mine that I have to stop and take a deep breath.  This specifically falls under the topics in life titled "vaccines", "diet", "health", "medications", and well you get the point.

Let me point out one thing here.  I am going to try and be as honest as I possibly can.  This is all quite a struggle for me.  I don't have the answers and trying to figure out what is right for my family seems like a daunting task at times because I really don't want to mess it up!!

So there are some things I have come to realize need to change.  Here is where my hesitation comes in.  I meet people who say things like "what you are eating is bad"  "Raw food diets are the only way" "vaccines are bad" "don't take medications" etc etc.... My hang up comes from motivation.  This trending idea of "Crunchy" has become a very popular movement.  Like pretty much every other person I know, I want to be liked and accepted.  So I have to watch myself when it comes to these topics because why am I all of a sudden doing (fill in the blank)?? Am I changing everything I have ever known because I have a strong conviction to do so or am I doing it because my friends are?  Its so easy to jump on the bandwagon and join in the crowd and do what everyone else is doing.  Don't get me wrong.  Just because everyone is doing it doesn't make it bad, but I think there needs to be a personal heartfelt God caused stir in my heart for these changes.

I started oils because my smallest mini human was 4 months old and couldn't breathe because his head was so stopped up.  He couldn't breathe so he couldn't sleep and he couldn't eat because he couldn't breathe.  I had a problem.  Being that small they don't suggest you give them anything that will help so I called a friend.  Being the awesome person she is, she brought me some oils to give him.  I never turned back.  Its pretty much an addiction.  All that to say I didn't get into oils because it was the cool thing.

So another topic I have in front of me: vaccines.  This one is a toughy.  People get seriously bent out of shape over this topic!  My kids are vaccinated.  For the time being they will continue to be vaccinated.  (I say it that way because I'm not going to say they will never go no-vacc because absolutes tend to come back to bite me in the hiney).  So I have not made the decision to not vaccinate my mini-humans. I don't see that decision coming anytime soon either.  I don't have a huge conviction to not vaccinate them.  I have some close friends that do.  That's cool with me.  I don't have a problem with that, but that is not something God has put on my heart.  This is one of those areas it would be so easy to say "I'm against vaccines" but simply because everyone else seems to be.  If I did that I would have no factual base for it!  There may come a day when God changes my heart on the matter, and if that happens we will re-open this can of worms.

So the shift I feel coming on or continuing on comes with food.  For the last few months food has been a topic of discussion when it comes to changes.  For the last week I feel like I have been hit over the head with it!! It even came up this morning at church not from a direction I was even expecting!  As I sat in Sunday School I finally went "okay Lord, I get it". This is not going to be a fun change, or an easy change.  Its going to take more work on my part, but I feel like God has put this topic in front of me repeatedly for a reason.  Food effects our health so much its unreal.  Not just from the basis of you're getting fat from McDonalds, but thyroid issues, colon issues, cancer, the list goes on and on.  Food has started to really cause major damage to our bodies!  So from someone who drinks at least one dr pepper a day and loves sugar...pray for me.  Pray for all of us! To be quite honest I'm pretty scared about this change.

This week I am starting a new Bible study with Proverbs 31 Ministries called "Living So That".  The first weeks memory verse is John 3:16  For God so love the world that He gave His one and only son (so) that whoever believes in Him will have everlasting life. The basis of the study is that there are several times in the Bible that something happened so that something else could or would happen.  Making meaningful choices in a crazy life.  I'm excited about the study and the meaningful time to really dig into the Word of God.

Monday, March 31, 2014


Welcome to our life!

Faith:  The Hubs and I are both Christians.  We are FAR from perfect and we know it. We fail daily but we are saved by the grace of Jesus Christ.  We are doing our best to raise our mini humans to grow to be Godly kids. Our faith is the number one priority in our life. Without Christ we are nothing.

Love: All the World needs is Love.  Love comes in many forms.  The love we have and receive being Children of God, the love for family, love for friends, love for the lost, love to craft & create, plus much much more.

Oils: I am a Young Living Distributor and I LOVE these oils.  They have gotten us through some rough days! If you ever have any questions about them please don't hesitate to ask!!    Kim Wagner YL #1561194

This is our life in a very small nutshell.  I will post periodically about each of these and sometimes all of them. I love to create things so I will post about what I have tried, succeeded, and failed at. Days that are good, bad, and thought provoking and pretty much everything in between.  I hope you enjoy our adventure as much as we are.